Fireworks with Gayle

The Fourth of July is always a special time because the church behind my house celebrates their anniversary, and they shoot off lots of giant fireworks. It was a fun day! In addition to watching fireworks, my bestie Gayle showed up and we had good snacks.

All I have to do is go into my backyard to watch the show. It was the church's 50th anniversary, so they put on an extra good show. The fireworks got off to a little bit of a late start due to a concert, but we just visited with friends and waited.
Photo credit goes to Joe Kotas 2017. My dad is an artist and he sold a painting that very same day. Every year he gets great pictures of the fireworks, due to years of being a photographer.
Best snack ever - Dilly bars compliments of Gayle's family!
Jayden's teacher showed up.
I stayed outside and watched all the fireworks for the first time in about 15 years! Thanks to my headphones and Gayle!
When the fireworks were done, everyone went home. I'm looking forward to it again next year!