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2nd Consecutive Victory

My basketball team played NEDSRA last night in Addison IL. We had a 1-week break for the holidays and were back in action.

Before the game, we were doing the shuffle exercise. I was in the back row. We went all the way there, as we were going back to the starting point, I think I bumped into someone or was shuffling too quickly and I fell. I needed an ice pack, and I still need one today. It was really hard to shake it off and play, but I did it. I was out for the first 4 minutes of the game.

Also before the game, Caitlin got hit in the face with a ball and had to sit out for a while.

We did not start out winning, the lead was going back and forth. It was great when I made a basket! I roared with excitement. Each person played for longer periods of time than we did in the past.

We had some rough stuff going on, just like other games. The other team had a lot of rough stuff also.

There was one squabble that Heidi got into with the other team. We were on one side of the court, and a girl on the other team was throwing the ball. Heidi almost ran smack dab into the other player. The other player's glasses came flying off! The other player was injured in that encounter, she came out of the game and sat on the bench.

Somewhere during the third quarter we gradually kept getting more points. Caitlin played really well and may have made a basket or two, I don't recall. I played really great defense. The other team had a really great defensive player, every time I got the ball he would clutch onto it like the ball was his wife (if you know what I'm saying).

Eventually we won 32 - 16.

We all got in line for a group picture (see above).

Here's some advice about when you fall down:

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