Stormy en repose
Last Saturday, me and my friends went to this painting place and painted our pets. We started by painting the eyes first, then the nose,...

Two Birthdays in One Week
Pictured, left to right, we have me, my cousin Claire, and my brother Jakob. This was one of the two birthday parties that I had. The...

2016 - Going Back in Time
With several friends and Aurora Police Officers, I collected donations for Special Olympics! 1994 - birth of a salesman, me! Since I'm...

Fall Photos
I'm beginning to take photos of places I enjoy, people I like and things that are interesting to me. Hope you enjoy~! Springbrook Prairie...

What is Life without Music?
I started singing some Beatles songs in the Magical Mystery Tour Cabaret show in 2015, which started my interest in the Beatles. I...

5K on Sunday
I did not want to get up early. I usually relax on Sundays, but we had to get going to the 5K for Celebrate Differences! The 5K was a...

Award-winning Basketball Team Basketball started in the fall of 2015. This is my first year on the team. Christina (not pictured) is a...

Stormy: Bigger and Better Than Ever !!!
Can you guess what's in the picture? It's not Alf, but somebody very familiar ... It's Stormy! Here's an update on how he's been doing....

Stormy Rides Again
Prologue: Stormy is my service dog. He helps me. We got him last Monday 12/1/2015. We're not entirely sure what breed he is but his...

Stormy Comes Home
Stormy came from far away, Hampshire IL. He is a service dog. He's six months old, he will retire when he is twelve years old. He has...